Ways to Give

Your donation makes thousands of art interactions possible.

Help the Trout Museum of Art create art experiences that foster inspiration, enjoyment, and discovery. Your tax-deductible gift provides general operating support for exhibitions, events, and education programs. Whether it’s to honor or memorialize a family member or friend, or to celebrate a special occasion, this donation has a direct impact on our goal of sharing art with the widest possible audience.

TMA’s EIN/federal tax ID number is 39-6056442.

Make a Donation or Pledge Your Support

New Building Capital Campaign

Become a Member
Support the arts all year and visit us anytime. $15 single, $25 double, $50 family.

Corporate & Major Individual Support
See where TMA can take your business.

Planned Giving
Your legacy for future generations.

Contemporaries | Donations and Memberships $1000+
Special programs, tours, and TMA experiences.

Art at the Park Sponsorship
Your support benefits the youth, community members, and artists attending this summertime tradition.

Thank you to all our donors!
Community partners and friends make all the difference.