Pledge Agreement Form

Thank you for your partnership! We are so grateful for your support. Please fill out the following information.

  • Donor Information

  • Gift Information

  • (Exhibition, education, event, Art at the Park, unrestricted, etc.)
  • Pledge payments can be made at your convenience for up to 5 years. Payment is due by December 31 during each calendar year.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Select a date that is most convenient for your business operations. This information helps us with our cash flow and planning.
    Invoices will be sent out one month prior to your payment date.
  • Terms & Consent

  • Acknowledgement Information

    The Trout Museum of Art (TMA) agrees to acknowledge partners with relevant marketing, PR, signage, social media, and website logo placement. TMA also agrees to recognize donors on the TMA homepage scrolling logos, e-newsletter listing, Annual Impact Report listing, donor "Thank You" webpage, museum wall, and donor video. Partners are also invited to member events and Curator Circle events.
  • Logos can be uploaded below.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Please upload color and black versions of your logo file(s). Preferably Adobe vector files. Contact Ashley, Marketing Manager, at with questions.